In addition to reading the following questions and answers, we encourage you to contact us with additional questions or explore FAQ’s on the International Coaching Federation website. 

FAQs About Professional Coaching

What is Professional Coaching?

The International Coaching Federation (ICF), the leading global independent credentialing program for coach practitioners defines the process of coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” IPEC coaching, the model designed by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching and embraced by Right Action Consulting, honors the client as the expert in his/her life and work and helps the client connect inner purpose and passion to outer goals and strategies to bring about extraordinary results.

How is coaching different from other helping professions?

Therapy focuses on resolving difficulties from past experiences and moving the client from dysfunction to full psychological and emotional functioning.

Mentoring is advice provided by an expert based on their past professional or personal experiences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Training is curriculum based learning facilitated by an instructor.  Curriculum is set by the sponsoring organization or individual.

Consulting is diagnostic and prescriptive advice and often solution implementation provided by an expert to solve individual or organizational challenges in areas where the consultant has both expertise and experience.

Coaching supports personal and professional growth and development, problem solving and goal attainment based on the desires of and initiated by the client.  The relationship is based on goal setting, action, accountability and follow through.

What are the coach and client responsible for during coaching?

The coaching relationship is a one on one partnership where both parties are working together to achieve a common client established goal.  The responsibilities of the coach and client differ as follows:

The coach:

Provides objective assessment through actively listening, observations and utilization of assessment tools
Helps clearly define the challenge
Explores options, opportunities, alternative approaches in the context of client values
Fosters client self and other awareness, shifts in thinking and new perspectives
Points out blind spots and challenges limiting beliefs and attitudes
Supports development of strategy and action plans
Holds client accountable and champions action
Maintains professional boundaries and confidentiality in the coaching relationship and adheres to the coaching profession's code of ethics

The client:

Creates the coaching agenda  
Participates fully in and assumes responsibility for assessments and observations to gain clarity and enhance self and other awareness
Utilizes tools provided by the coach
Utilizes the coaching process to generate new perspectives and ideas, challenge limited thinking patterns and embrace creative problem solving
Creates a holistic vision, strategies and goals with support of the coach
Takes action and holds self accountable for success

How is coaching delivered?

Coaching may be delivered via telephone, point to point video chat, or in person. Delivery method, session dates, times, length of sessions and follow up are details that are worked out between the coach and the client at the commencement of the coaching relationship.

How long does the coaching relationship last?

Because client goals and objectives differ, the length of the coaching relationship will vary. We offer packages ranging from 2-12 months and work with clients to ensure the package fits the client’s needs and agenda. This, along with other logistics, are agreed upon prior to the initial coaching session.

What is important to consider when selecting a coach?

When investing time and money in a coaching relationship, it is important to clearly define your desired outcome. This will enable you to interview for the “right fit”. Some points to consider are:

Certifications, experience and background
Compatibility of communication styles and personalities
Fit of coaching specialization with your needs (ex. leadership vs. health and wellness)
Assessments the coach offers and how those align with your desired outcome
Coaching philosophy and techniques

A complimentary face to face meeting between coach and client is an important opportunity to assess these factors before making a commitment.

Contact us for a complimentary session. 

How do I measure return on my investment?

The most important aspect of measuring success is having a clear vision of what that looks like. The Right Action coaching process starts with envisioning the end point and creating a roadmap.  The points along the way are used to measure progress and goal attainment. Often client objectives involve emotions, behaviors and interpersonal challenges. While these goals are not as discretely measured as an increase to the bottom line of a business, measurement is possible. We use self-assessment and third party surveys, score cards and job satisfaction logs along with other metrics that may be applicable.

What does it cost and how do I get started with a Right Action Coach?

Click here to contact us about a complimentary session. 

Each year we partner with a limited number of non-profits whose mission and values align with ours.  To inquire, please contact us.